Are you climate ready?

Are you climate ready?

Section A Engagement Goals

“Are you climate ready?” is composed of three matrices, each held in a separate Excel file.

“Are you climate ready?” is offered as an engagement process to help organizations collaborate to meet the following goals.

  1. To leverage the power and value of their environmental management system (EMS) as objective evidence to address the recommended disclosures stated in the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), along with a few other sources, which are identified. The questions related to the TCFD recommendations are contained in the first matrix.
  2. To share select data to identify common strengths and weaknesses in their EMS through aggregation for the purposes of determining common weaknesses and opportunities.
  3. To inspire participants to seek positive, innovative options with which to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the less than two degree mark set by the Paris Agreement, meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are relevant to their context. The SDGs are contained in the second matrix, along with information about 80 proven technology options as outlined in Project Drawdown.
  4. To share existing tools, models or support mechanisms to assist participants in advancing climate action, and show the synergy and cost saving opportunities enabled.
  5. To develop or source other tools to address common weaknesses. Given the time sensitivity of the challenge, collaboration with existing initiatives and other like-minded stakeholders is of high value.
  6. To enable participants to determine their own climate readiness. As research has shown that people are not motivated by research, knowledge of personal climate readiness is important. Insight on how participants may be directly or indirectly affected is contained in the third matrix.

Further explanation of the goals is found in Annex A.

Section B Terms and Conditions

You must complete this form to participate. The following information will enable you to participate in the engagement process, which includes the matrix set. Your individual responses will be held in confidence. Only aggregate information is shared.

The annual fee for participation in this engagement process is US$2,500 plus taxes as required by law. Payment mechanisms are identified in Section C. Access to the matrix set, invitations to training webinars, other support tools, models or other research included in the engagement process will only be released when payment is received in full, and with the written agreement by a person with the authority to uphold the following terms and conditions.

The fee includes one copy of the matrix, access to periodic webinars, and an annual report outlining the results of aggregated information.

Individual data will not be shared. Periodically, The Collaboration, in association with E2 Management Corporation, may release a media press statement, summarizing trends or patterns discerned through this engagement process. Participants have the option to be identified in conjunction with the public release at their discretion.

The value of this process lies in sharing non-attributed data. If a participant decides after acquiring the license to the matrix set not to share their data, the loss of value will be theirs, and with regret there are no refunds.

Data submissions are due on or before September 30th. The reporting of the results will be shared with participants in the following January/February; the exact date to be determined once the number of participants are known. Participants may choose to participate once, annually or biannually. The detailed report will only be shared with those organizations that participate in the data capture period in the year before.

For example, organizations that share data by September 2020, will receive a report early in the year of 2021.

    I have read and will abide by the terms and conditions of this engagement process.

    I acknowledge that “Are you climate ready?” is a proprietary matrix set composed of Excel files, and that these are the intellectual property created for The Collaboration, with the copyright held by E2 Management Corporation (E2M), all rights reserved.

    I agree not to disclose in the matrix set to anyone external to my organization.

    I agree to share certain data (specifically the Assessment Summary in the first matrix) for the purposes of sharing aggregated data as part of the engagement process to meet the goals outlined above.

    I agree to share data from the second matrix related to Drawdown, the SDGs and ISO 14001 for the purposes of sharing aggregated data as part of the engagement process to meet the goals outlined above.

    I agree to share data from the third matrix, if requested, for the purposes of sharing aggregated as part of the engagement process to meet the goals outlined above.

    I acknowledge that data on some of the worksheets (i.e. Is your EMS Climate Ready and Qs For Corporate Directors) may be deemed confidential by my organization, (i.e. Column E, titled “Comments or Objective Evidence”) and it is my responsibility to ensure that the data are held secure. The Collaboration, nor E2 Management Corporation (E2M) assumes any responsibility for protection of the data held in Column E.

    I have the authority/I have obtained the authority to report on the data referenced for disclosure as part of this agreement.

    Please describe your organization

    (please indicate if you are a regulator, standards user, or a policy maker; as many as apply)
    regulatorstandards userpolicy makerpurchase of supplies and servicespublic utility

    Our EMS conforms to ISO 14001

    Our EMS conforms to ISO 14001 and EMAS

    Our EMS conforms to ISO 14001 and we are part of the Responsible Care(TM) community

    Our EMS uses elements of ISO 14001, but we do assert conformance

    Our EMS is our own unique design

    Section C Payment Options

    Participants are offered the following payment options. Please select your preferred option

    Annex A

    Discussion on Section A:

    The first matrix enables participants to record and report on objective evidence showing the value and power of an EMS to address the disclosure recommendations in the TCFD. The user of the matrix assesses the strengths and weakness of their EMS against a granular articulation of the recommendations in the TCFD as well as criteria from other reports. In addition, there is a link to En-Roads, which is a modelling programme that is useful in scenario analysis.

    While the matrix refers to the Clauses and Sub-Clauses in ISO 14001:2015, organizations that have their own unique EMS may still benefit from this matrix by addressing the intent of the requirement in ISO 14001. Organizations may reference the standard by acquiring a copy, which provides access to both normative and informative sections of the standard. Alternatively, an organization can reference the requirements section of ISO 14001:2015, which are contained verbatim in the European legislation for the Eco-Audit Management Scheme or EMAS, under Annex II, Part A.

    The European Commission offers this in several languages, in addition to English.

    Except for Annex A of ISO 14001:2015, which contains an important source of additional insight on the elements in ISO 14001, organizations can reference the informative sections of ISO 14001:2015 through ISO’s Online Browsing Platform, the ‘OBP’.

    The second matrix enables the user to review over 80 options for reducing their carbon footprint as presented in Project Drawdown, The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the points of alignment in ISO 14001 as stated by ISO/TC 207/SC1. This is the international committee responsible for the adapting ISO’s mandated framework to issues specific to environmental management.

    Project Drawdown provides a comprehensive list of 80 technical options to inspire decision makers to build, innovate and affect change to bring greenhouse emissions down.

    The third matrix allows the user to assess their personal readiness for resiliency and adoption of climate actions. Being personally climate ready is an important step to understand the urgent need for change. Research has shown that facts do not drive the required behaviour change.

    For questions related to this engagement process, please contact The Collaboration Lead, Lynn Johannson.